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Joe Viamonte Digital Artist | Digital Art by Viamonte Design | Art | Artist | Maya Software | Modeling Joe Viamonte Digital Artist | Digital Art by Viamonte Design | Art | Artist | Maya Software | Modeling Joe Viamonte Digital Artist | Digital Art by Viamonte Design | Art | Artist | Maya Software | Modeling Joe Viamonte Digital Artist | Digital Art by Viamonte Design | Art | Artist | Maya Software | Modeling
Digital Art by Joe Viamonte | Viamonte Design | Digital Artist | Maya | Modeling | Shading | Effects | Rendering | Artist | Photographer Digital Art by Joe Viamonte | Viamonte Design | Digital Artist | Maya | Modeling | Shading | Effects | Rendering | Artist | Photographer Digital Art by Joe Viamonte | Viamonte Design | Digital Artist | Maya | Modeling | Shading | Effects | Rendering | Artist | Photographer Digital Art by Joe Viamonte | Viamonte Design | Digital Artist | Maya | Modeling | Shading | Effects | Rendering | Artist | Photographer
Joe Viamonte Digital Artist | Digital Art by Viamonte Design | Art | Artist | Maya Software | Modeling Joe Viamonte Digital Artist | Digital Art by Viamonte Design | Art | Artist | Maya Software | Modeling Digital Art by Joe Viamonte | Viamonte Design | Digital Artist | Maya | Modeling | Shading | Effects | Rendering | Artist | Photographer Joe Viamonte Digital Artist | Digital Art by Viamonte Design | Art | Artist | Maya Software | Modeling
Digital Art by Joe Viamonte | Viamonte Design | Digital Artist | Maya | Modeling | Shading | Effects | Rendering | Artist | Photographer    
view tangoscuro art gallery by joe viamonteDigital Art 1 of 1 view artwork gallery by joe viamonte
Digital Art by Joe Viamonte | Viamonte Design | Digital Artist | Maya | Modeling | Shading | Effects | Rendering | Artist | Photographer
Most of the pieces have been in juried shows and several have won awards. I work with Maya software; all modeling, shading, lighting, effects & rendering are done within Maya with no post rendering manipulation of images. There are no Photoshop changes or manipulation of these artworks. All photographs used as textures are my originals. Many of these images take over 100 hours of work before I am
ready to print.
Viamonte Design | Digital Art | Artist | Joe Viamonte | Digital Artist | Photographer
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